Having trouble sleeping? A big part of that problem could be your bed. If you’re tossing and turning through the night or waking up with aches and pains, it’s time to take action to improve your sleep surface and get back to a good night’s rest. We’ve put together 10 tips to help you make some improvements to your bed that will lead to better sleep, so you can wake up refreshed and well-rested in the morning.
1) Purchase a quality mattress
A great mattress is one of the best investments you can make in yourself and your sleep. Investing in a new, comfortable mattress will improve both your quality of sleep and overall health. A poor-quality mattress can cost you more than just good rest – it may also increase stress and lower your energy levels during waking hours. When shopping for a new mattress, be sure to check out reviews before making a purchase – it’s very easy these days to read unbiased reviews on Amazon or other retail sites, as well as online forums where real people discuss their experience with different mattresses. The more information you have about different types of mattresses and brands available, the better equipped you’ll be when deciding which one is right for you.
2) Switch up your sheets
The right sheets can make a world of difference. Having sheets that fit well and feel good can help you sleep better and enjoy your bed more. Try flannel sheets or ones made from soft material if you tend to overheat at night, or opt for cotton blends or satin sheets if you prefer cooler environments. In addition, synthetic fabrics tend to wick moisture away from your body as it gets hot during sleep, making them a great choice for hot sleepers who like their beds on the warmer side. If you have allergies or simply prefer natural fibers in your bedroom, try sheets made from natural materials like cotton and linen.
3) Create a bedtime routine
While you sleep, your body cycles through multiple phases of restorative sleep. The more organized your bedtime routine is, and then better quality of sleep you can expect to get. First, make sure that your mattress and pillow are comfortable so you fall asleep easily. You should also work out or do some other form of exercise at least a few hours before going to bed; research shows people who have exercised in some way within six hours of bedtime reported a more restful night’s sleep.
4) Clean Up and Clear Out
Cleaning up around your bed is essential. Even if you don’t consider yourself a particularly messy person, your bed is likely full of things that can affect your sleep quality. For example, there may be pills under or next to your pillows. Dust and allergens are often concentrated in sheets and comforters. Cleaning up or replacing these items can have a positive impact on how well you sleep each night. While you’re at it, toss out that old pillowcase—even pillowcases build up bacteria over time, meaning newer ones could make a difference for sleep quality as well!
5) Try some aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a great way to relax, and it’s fairly easy and inexpensive. If you have access to essential oils like lavender or chamomile, put a few drops in your bathwater (but not when pregnant!) or use as an aroma diffuser throughout your bedroom. The steam from hot water can actually help relax sore muscles and loosen tense shoulders, too! If you don’t have access to a diffuser, you can add a few drops of essential oil into cotton balls and place them throughout your room; remember that cold-pressed varieties work best.
6) Fall asleep with white noise
If you’re someone who struggles with insomnia, particularly if you live in a noisy environment, then listening to white noise can be a great way to fall asleep. White noise blocks out distracting noises and helps you transition from a busy day into sleep. For maximum effectiveness, make sure that your earbuds are in properly when you turn on white noise. You should also be sure that volume is high enough that it blocks out other sounds—lower volumes can actually make it harder to sleep if they aren’t loud enough. Consider downloading or purchasing an app or device for white noise, like a fan simulator. You could also try recording some sounds yourself; people tend to find soothing sounds more effective than synthetic ones.
7) Invest in luxurious pillows
You spend 1/3 of your life in bed, so it makes sense that you’d want it to be comfortable. Investing in a few good pillows that feel heavenly under your head and neck is an easy way to ensure better quality sleep. Some top-notch options are bamboo pillows, feather pillows and even memory foam pillows—all designed with specific benefits in mind. Get a pillow guide here .
8) Add lighting that helps you sleep
If your bedroom isn’t illuminated well, you might have trouble falling asleep. If that’s an issue, consider adding some lighting. You can add floor lamps or even a ceiling light with dimmable switches to make it easier on your eyes at night. And be sure to keep bright lights outside of your bedroom.
9) Keep electronics out of the bedroom
Electronics are notorious distractions and interruptions during our sleep cycles. Electronic screens, whether it be a laptop, TV or smartphone, emit something called blue light. Blue light keeps us more alert and awake, so if you want to fall asleep quickly it’s a good idea to keep all of these electronics out of your bedroom. If they must be in your room then consider installing software that filters out blue light. Use black-out curtains: Sunlight is an enemy of sleep so if you have a lot of sunshine coming into your room at night there are steps you can take to make sure you stay asleep longer and wake up feeling more refreshed in the morning.
10) Plan what you wear each night before going to bed
Studies show that what you wear before bed can play a significant role in how well you sleep. Researchers at Ohio State University monitored 51 healthy adults and discovered that those who wore pajamas that were cooler than their body temperature experienced more intense REM sleep cycles during their first two hours of sleep. In addition, those same participants were more likely to wake up after five hours instead of sleeping until they naturally woke up around six. And, if your goal is to stay cool while you rest at night, opt for lightweight cotton or silk pajamas with thin stitching or nothing at all. You can also prevent getting too hot by unplugging electronics and dimming your lights before going to bed.
When it comes to sleeping well, it’s important that your environment is conducive to rest. Studies have shown that if you have sleep apnea or other conditions that make quality sleep difficult, buying a new mattress can help resolve many issues. But regardless of whether you have sleep issues or not, buying a new bed can make for better sleep. Get a full night’s rest by ensuring you have an awesome bed and are using it correctly!
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