Have you ever left work feeling ill and you’re not sure why? You may feel better by the next morning but then after being at work again for a few hours the sickness returns? You may want to look into the phenomenon known as sick building syndrome. In this article, we explain what it is and why you should be concerned.
What is sick building syndrome?
According to Wikipedia, Sick building syndrome (SBS) “is a condition in which people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or become infected with chronic disease from the building in which they work or reside. The outbreaks may or may not be a direct result of inadequate cleaning or inappropriate cleaning methods. SBS has also been used to describe staff concerns in post-war brutalist-style buildings with mis-planned building aerodynamics, defects in the construction materials or assembly process and-or inadequate maintenance.”
The symptoms associated with they syndrome often appear and disappear depending on the amount time spent in the building and will often dissipate upon exiting the building.
A Swedish researcher named Thörn states that “the case study methodology can contribute to a better understanding and management of sick building syndrome.” Sick building causes are frequently related to flaws in the building’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
According to a recent study: “The sick building syndrome comprises of various nonspecific symptoms that occur in the occupants of a building. This feeling of ill health increases sickness absenteeism and causes a decrease in productivity of the workers. As this syndrome is increasingly becoming a major occupational hazard, the cause, management and prevention of this condition have been discussed in this article.”
What to do if you have sick building syndrome?
If you feel that you or a loved one may be experiencing sick building syndrome, it is important to get help. Talk to your doctor or physician, and you may need to start looking for a job. But don’t jump to conclusions. First make sure it is the building causing the issue and not something else unrelated.
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